The horrors of games

t: the
h: horrors
o: of
g: games                                            This is my first trollpasta. Hope you enjoy :)
for thog XD
in year 2010-----------2/8/10------------------------------------------------------
I was on youtube for about 2 hours. I found a youtube video named Get minecraft for free. The video said they might be some bugs in the game. I download the game. The downloading was chashing my computer.
My parnets said do not download this son. I did not listen to my parnets. The download was loading for hours.The next day, The download was done. I load the game.
I made a new world. Everything was red and black. I saw a steve but with red eyes. It look like herobrine.
I exit my game and went to the youtube video. I text the youtuber. 
Dude they are like a 133333 errors and bugs.
The youtuber reply to me. It said
I know stop ashing me people, just get all of these games ok.
In year 2010------------------2/15/10------------------------------------------------- 
My friends give me games. All of them was a copy of Super mario bros. I load my game to my computer. I hear a noise. It was not comeing from my computer. I look behind me. I was a Mario doll with blood. I put the doll in the bathroom.
I went to my room and play some more mario. The game was red and black just like minecraft look like. I have to go to the bathroom. I saw Mario doll come to life.
The Mario doll ran to a box with swords and guns. The mario doll kill me.
In year 2011----------------------1/1/11-------------------------------------------------
The ghost hunters went to house to found ghosts. The hunter found the copy of Super mario bros.
And play it.............
the end-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Minecraft- 2009
Super mario bros-?????